
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

NaNoWriMo Day Twelve

And so an elm fell in love with a maple
and were locked in an
everlasting embrace.
NaNoWriMo Day Twelve Word Count

Goal: 1945 daily words

Actual: 2043 daily words; 15002 total words; 30% done!

Downside: I caught a bad case of the "let's read all my previous pages" bug today and completely lost track of time re-reading and revising! I was stuck, I tell you, stuck! I couldn't help myself. I felt like I couldn't remember all that I had previously written and so I couldn't write forward without first reading back. It's a bad habit, -- the way, I'm used to writing... First, revise yesterday's pages and then writing forward. I'm what I like to call a two-stepper. Only, I didn't just read yesterdays pages...
It all started because I was critiqued last night on the first four chapters of this WIP. Originally, I wasn't going to let anyone read it until it was finished and I'd had a chance to revise it. But these ladies have read my story since the very beginning and I wanted to hear if they thought, this new angle and new voice was putting my story on the right track. Their answer was 'yes,' happily.
I saw the piles of MSs on my desk this morning, and I tried to ignore them. I told myself to put them in my binder and read them December 1st. But they called me. They beckoned me. They taunted me with their remarks in the margins and squiggly editorial marks. And like not being able to turn away from an accident scene, I was pages deep suddenly in revisions!!!
Highlight: With that said.... I still managed to eek out 2043 words today, bringing my total word count up to 15,002 words!!!! *party horns sound* *confetti falls* I also felt very overwhelmed still that I was behind and kept saying, well, I should be at 20,000 words today. I should have written 6,000 words in order to catch up. And then I said, wait a minute... There are still 18 days left. 15,002 words subtracted from 50,000 words is 34,998 words divided over 18 days = 1944.3333 words a day, or just 1945. I really think that's possible! For the first time, I REALLY feel like I can do this! Like I can finish this novel. It might not be polished. It might have a lot of repetition and cliches, but I can write 50,000 words in 30 days! I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...
Time is yet to tell, but I am feeling very positive and very good. And this NaNoWriMo business is AWESOME!!!!


cindy said...

you are tearing it up! but please, no more critiques, rereading or revising if at all possible!!! for your own forward momentum's sake!!!

there is a time for revising.

and there is a time TO WRITE!!!


Unknown said...

You can do it! Good luck!

Tabitha said...

That's wonderful!! And, yes, it is possible!! :) I'm cheering for you from my corner... :)

PJ Hoover said...

I love your picture! And your progress! You are going to finish this totally!

Casey Something said...

I do the same thing Sheri. Well, normally I do. I've only read back once, or maybe twice, on my NaNo project though. And for me, that's an accomplishment.

You're doing great though! Keep it up - you can do it!

Sheri Perl-Oshins said...

Yes! Thank you, Cindy. I know you are right and I will not travel down that slippery slope again!!! Thanks for kicking my butt!

Thanks, Beth!

Thanks Tabitha. Hope you are reaching your daily goals too!

PJ - for inspiration I have been taking a lot of pictures of trees - a major part of my story - and this one I pulled over and practically ran to get a closer look. The one bent tree has literally taken over the first. At first I viewed the bent tree as a parasite. And then i thought, no. He loves her. He bent down to give her a kiss. And thanks for the words of encouragement. I do really feel like I can finally finish - but no more critiques!

Thanks Casey! It's nice to know I wasn't the only one who dared to read back! And thanks for your vote of confidence too!

Anonymous said...

Good Luck with that! Sounds like you are well on your way!

Sheri Perl-Oshins said...

Thanks MomX!

Kimbra Kasch said...

I admire everyone who is sticking with it. What a tremendous goal.

Hang in there.

Rebecca Gomez said...

Sheri, you inspire me! I wish I felt right now that NaNoWriMo is awesome.

I know, just keep moving forward. I'll go do that.

“Personal limitation exists only in our ideas of who we are. Give up all notions of who you are and your limitations will vanish.”

- Anonymous