Goal: 1667 daily words or 3334 total word count
Actual: 2577 daily words, 4554 total word count
Highlight: Fixing some things that were missing, wrong, or needing deletion from my 1.5 draft. Being VERY AWARE this time around of SHOWING and not TELLING.
Downside: Again, the downside remains when it is time to update my NaNo word count. The site is excruciatingly slow and it doesn't show yesterday's words at all. I mean it does on My NaNo, but not at the top right on the home page... I guess someone has to verify, and how can they when I still can't cut and paste my scrambled text in that spot... ARGH!
But I don't want to end on a sour note, so I will repeat my total word count instead...
4554 words in two days!
You're doing awesome Sheri! It's so great to have a supportive family too.
The site is definitely slow. Do we need to worry about scrambling our text before uploading? This is my first year - I hadn't realized that might be necessary.
Hopefully the site will be running quicker soon. Oh, and I posted the link for the word counter in my comment back to you.
OK I'll be sure to go back to your blog to figure that out. I might not be able to download that cool gadget until mid November! The site is sooooooooooo slow. It is actually easier to write a novel than navigate that site at the moment!!!
Thanks everyone!!! It feels great to know there are people cheering you on.
I couldn't be happier if it were my own word count!
Congrats on the word count! Does it always make you so happy to end up doing more than your original intent? Good luck!
Great stuff, Sheri! I know the site is very slow.
Good for you, Sheri! Keep going!!
Thanks again everyone!Today's going a little slower. 772 words so far. Then a dentist appointment. Now, I'm numb and in a little pain, but... here I go...
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